Brodirat paste and blocks

Rodenticide of second generation designed for control of rats and mice. It is a ready for use rodenticide substance in the form of paste or red wax blocks, highly irresistable for rodents. For greater safety it has added denatonium benzoate, a substance with unpleasant taste for humans and animals.
Active substance: brodifacum - 0,005 %
Bags of nonwovens containing 15 g. of the substance, packed in plastic bags of 500 gr. Per box of 20 kg.
Wax blocks:
5 grams: 10 kg carton
10 grams: < 10 kg carton
Handling: The bait in the form of paste or wax blocks is placed in deratization boxes around areas where rodents most often pass - along walls, holes, corners, their shelters, etc.
Rats: 50-100 grams over 5-10 minutes.
Mice: 20-50 grams over 2-4 minutes.
The baits are checked and recharged every 5 to 7 days. Dead rodents are discarded. Setting new baits continues until you find untouched bait and lack of rodents activity. Rodenticide second generation - death occurs in 3 to 5 days after consumption as a result of internal bleeding, by mimicking natural death.
Number of the issued permission for a release on the market:
for the paste: 1769-1/30.04.2015
for the blocks: 1746-1/14.01.2015
Ministry of Health
Price of the product: Please contact us for more information
Brodirat paste permit Brodirat blocks permit