Brodirat pellets (Brodifacum)

Ready bait for combating mice and rats in warehouses, public buildings, sewage manholes and sewers.
Active substance: Brodifacum. A second generation anticoagulant.
Package: pellets in paper pack of 100 g., A plastic bucket of 10 kg.
Handling: The baits are placed in areas where the most - often pass or hide rodents. To combat rats - 50-100 g. In 5 to 10 meters, mouse - 20-30 g. In 3 to 4 meters. The boxes trapping are observed and are recharged in 5-7 days. Continue placing until it is established that there untouched bait or inactivity of rodents.
Number of issued authorization for marketing:
1669-1/26.06.2014 From the Ministry of Health.
Price of the product: Please contact us for more information
Brodirat permit SAFETY DATA SHEET